As we approach the end of 2022, we’d like to express thanks and good tidings to everyone that we’ve worked with over this last 12 months. 

For us, this is a time for giving and our nominated Charity for 2022 is @Mates in Mind . This charity was set up specifically to raise awareness and address the stigma of poor mental health by promoting and leading on the development of positive mental wellbeing within the workplace. Mates in Mind works across industries, focusing on construction, as well as related sectors including transport, logistics, manufacturing, and others.

Although mental ill-health is a pervasive challenge across all UK workplaces, its negative impacts within the construction industry have become undeniable.

In 2017, Randstad reporting showed that 34% of construction workers surveyed have experienced a mental health condition in the last 12 months, and that 73% felt that their employers do not recognise the early signs of mental health problems.

The confronting human cost of mental ill-health could not be ignored with suicide rates amongst construction workers more than 3 times higher the national average. 

This year the charity has worked hard to highlight the additional pressures for sole traders and SMEs in construction, which cannot be understated. They also produce useful guides like these to help spot mates who need help. 

If you would like to show your support please click here –

From all of us at Oatway Design, we wish you a joyous peaceful period and are looking forward to seeing you again in 2023.

Get in touch today to discuss your project and discover how we can help you achieve your ambitions.